Hurricane Deirdre

Overlooking the Heavenly Gates

Climbers admire the view from the rock shoulder above the Heavenly Gate mountain pass near Carrauntoohil in Co. Kerry.

Wow – there’s quite a storm blowing outside. It’s just the sort of maelstrom that King Lear would be happy to go mad in.

We went down to the new cafe on the prom for a late breakfast this morning. I stopped to take a picture of the rough sea and I went  inside, there was no sign of the girlfriend. I waited and waited, until there was no chance that she was still in the restroom. I rang her – went to voicemail. Where could she be ? I was beginning to suspect that she had gone in to Mocha Beans, which is where we normally go, when my phone rang. T’was she.

And where was she ? Clinging to a lamppost just around the corner where she had been blown by the wind. I had to go and fetch her. And what superpower did I use so that I wasn’t affected by the wind myself? Ah yes, the one called not being a drama queen.

In fairness, one family arrived in and a couple of the children were quite frightened by the force of the breeze. And quite a few passersby shot past the windows, propelled by the gales [which was amusing from the saftey of the cafe, sipping a latte.]I’m writing this as hailstones hammer down outside.

If you are planning to watch the waves down in Salthill, don’t go down to Silver Strand – it is blocked off by the Gardaí to discourage boy-racers from gathering – the Galway International Rally is on this end (pictures from the 2007 gathering here).

2 thoughts

  1. Word has it I’ll have a camera back by the end of the week. Any idea what the forecast for the west coast is like next weekend? It guts me that I lost this and last weekend really.

  2. “And what superpower did I use so that I wasn’t affected by the wind myself? Ah yes, the one called not being a drama queen.”

    Not sure if it’s a superpower, but you do have superpadding … er, I mean a macho weight advantage! :-)

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