3 thoughts

  1. Seldom do I look at one of your photographs without a sharp intake of breath! What a wonderful way you have of looking at the world. Thanks again, John, for sharing your beautiful images

  2. Hello John
    What an eye you have – though there’s nothing ‘ill’ about this image.

    Whenever I treat myself to a catch up on your site, the time rushes by.
    I got a vicarious thrill looking at the pictures of the frozen west while
    sitting in a warm and humid Brisbane. We’ve had persistent rain for
    two weeks which reminds me of the entire 12 months I spent in Galway –
    although there’s no accompanying chill. Your creative images inspire
    me to ‘re-frame’ my own surroundings but the colours and seasons are
    so different here; I probably just lack the poet’s goggles.

  3. Thanks for the kind words. It has been a strange year so far in Galway – very cold and dry for almost the entire year so far. so much so, that we are almost getting used to the frost and lack of rain…

    In contrast, I’m in Southern India this week – 35 degrees celcius and dry and dusty….

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