Midsummer madness

The real test of recession begins tomorrow, with the Galway Races. Last Sunday’s Tribune carried a story of a couple that were charged €700 for B&B accomodation at the Radisson during Race week – and since they went ahead and booked it anyway, it might suggest that things are not so bad after all. The whole week is a display of conspicuous consumption, culminating (if you are female) on Ladies Day, when half the county gets dressed up and heads to the track.

Race Week has become an interesting phenomonem. There are plenty of Racing Festivals around Ireland [there is another one later on in Galway that receives very little attention] but the Galway one is a huge deal. It seems like every single place that offers accomodation jack up their prices considerably for Race Week. The level of spending is amazing, both at the track and in town, so it will be interesting to see if the numbers are the same as last year.

There are rumours swirling around town that at least one high-profile hotel [not the Radisson] is in financial trouble, and it will be interesting to see how many are still in business by the end of the year. If they can’t make money this week, then they never will.