
The Ramp on Mweelrea
What a difference a week makes. On Sunday, we basked in sunshine and looked over to Mweelrea – the next mountain across Killary fjord. The previous Sunday, most of the same crew had been on Mweelrea,  cowering behind rocks for shelter from the howling wind, driving rain and the biting cold. And yes, that was just a week from midsummer.

Mweelrea is a spooky mountain. It has its own weather system – strong winds and cloud appear without warning, visibility can disappear in an instant, and the narrow ridges and cliffs means one must thread carefully. It is not a place to get lost. Last Sunday, we planned to ascend via Ben Bury (the second peak in the Mweelrea range) and then hike over to Mweerea summit, to gaze down on Killary below. Some chance. Half way between Ben Bury and Mweerea, where a group of huge standing stones mark the top of a glacial valley (the rocks remind me of Stonehenge), we decided to turn back. The swirling winds meant we would have to face into driving rain all the way to the summit, and visibility was zero.

We descended via The Ramp – a narrow and very steep path that leads back down to Doo Lough. On the way down, one passes huge boulders on the valley floor, some of which must have fallen from the cliff walls above.

Here is a short video of the hike.

More pictures from the hike here.

One thought

  1. Ah Mweelrea I know it well. Damaged my knee on the descent several years ago and it’s never been right since.

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