Night fishing, Spiddal

Night Fishing

The great thing about a modern digital camera is the ability to capture things that one can hardly see with the naked eye. The picture above was a grab shot, taken just before the clouds obscured the moon completely. I t was taken as I was driving out of Spiddal back towards Galway city. I saw only the moon in my rearview mirror and pulled over. Only after I got out of the car  could I see the faint outline of the fishermen [and I only noticed them because I could hear their voices ]. The picture was taken at ISO1000 with a 100-400mm zoom with a Canon 5D DSLR. The settings were f6.3 and 1/20th of a second. I lost a few seconds setting up the tripod but I wouldn’t have got the shot without it. I used Lightroom 3 to clean up the grain a little (but not much).

2 thoughts

  1. The great thing IMO, is that you were there and looked in the mirror to learn the shot was there..! This is really a pretty shot…no big drama…but damn…that moon…all you guys sharing that magic…and you had the skill to make it a story. Pretty special I think.

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