No sign of things to come

Sunrise at Blackrock Diving Board in Salthill Galway Ireland

The diving board at Blackrock, on Salthill Prom in Galway just after sunrise this morning.

The best view in the city was down at Salthill Promenade this morning as the sun rose into a blue sky. The price of admission ? Just get up early. When I peered out my window this morning at around twenty past seven, and saw how nice it was, I grabbed my camera and hopped into the car. Ten minutes later I had this shot [the advantage of living in Knocknacarra]. The sun had cleared the horizon by then and some of the early morning swimmers at Blockrock diving board had already finished their swim and were drying off.

In the warmth of the early morning, I never have guessed that I’d be washed off Mweeelrea with the rain later today. 

Camera=Canon 5D, lens-24-105@24mm, aperture=f10, speed=1/40 sec, ISO=400.