Raincloud over Maam Cross

Despite forecasts of heavy rain, it was a great weekend in Galway. Saturday was sunny for most of the day and today, despite some cloud and mist, the day remained dry until evening [I’m writing this at 10.30pm and the rain is rattling against the window]. The “A” Walk of the Galway Walking club took us from Corcóg to Mamean in the Maumturks, as preparation for those who planned to do the Maumturk Challenge at Easter – that route is only the first quarter of the challenge. Though we didn’t get caught in any showers, we could see rain falling on the hills around us. The view in the picture is looking towards Peacock’s in Maam Cross – one can see from the number of boggy lakes why it was so difficult to travel west in the past – the land is a natural quagmire. At this point the clouds were at eye level – about 450 metres – though for most of the day, the cloud cover was at around 800 – 900m metres (and more importantly, somewhere else).

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  1. Pingback: Salthill, Galway. « Living for Light

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