Smoke me a kipper – I’ll be back for breakfast

Ok – this fisherman was fishing for mackerel, not herring, but he was fishing for breakfast nonetheless. Taken on Sunday morning at the observation point beside Galway Acquarium (that’s the telescope beside him). The mackerel are practically throwing themselves onto the prom at the moment – I passed by the prom again on Sunday evening, and there were dozens of fishermen hauling them in. Grilled, fresh mackerel ? Yummy !!

I was back on the prom on Monday night and the weather had changed considerably. The video clips were taken with a Canon G9 compact camera.

Salthill Storm (2) from John Smyth on Vimeo.

This is the same telescope as in the picture above.

Salthill Storm (3) from John Smyth on Vimeo.

There were fishermen nearby, but it was all they could do to stand upright in the wind, let alone catch anything.

Salthill Storm 5 from John Smyth on Vimeo.

I got a bit of a drenching filming the clip below.

Salthill Storm (4) from John Smyth on Vimeo.

And finally, a slightly different view of the same observation point and telescope…

Stormy weather in Salthill, Galway from John Smyth on Vimeo.

Waves splashing over the promenade in Galway at the observation point near Galway Acquarium