Sunrise at Silver Strand

Sunrise at Silver Strand, Galway, Ireland

Kudos to Galway City Council for improving access to the beach down at Silver Strand, which is beyond Salthill and on the way to Barna. The beach disappears at high tide, but otherwise, it is a favoured spot for swimming, walking, kite-flying or even strolling a horse. But, like almost everywhere else in Galway, you can have it to yourself if you just get up early.

5 thoughts

  1. You probably shot this before I went to bed. I’ll probably be heading there after work during the summer.

    John, if you’ve not seen it before, you should check out


  2. This picture was taken a couple of months ago – probably around 7am on a Saturday morning. It was very breezy and cold, which meant that water had sloshed onto the paths (giving that nice reflection). It helped that the morning sky looked fantastic too.

  3. It took me about 3 looks at this photo to remember why it seems so familiar; 5 years ago…right around this same time, I was standing by these steps watching everyone enjoy a terrific day.

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