Supporting the Samaritans


Life Savers for the spirit - a Samaritans sticker on a lifebelt on Nimmos Pier in Galway

Life Savers for the spirit - a Samaritans sticker on a lifebelt on Nimmo's Pier in Galway

Four hundred and sixty people killed themselves¹ in Ireland last year – nearly 200 hundred of those were less than 35 years of age.

Last year, thirty four thousand people³ rang the Samaritans in Galway, and 18,000 of those stayed on line to talk, because listening is what the Samaritans is all about.

Like every voluntary organization, they need money to keep going, and tomorrow evening in the Galway Bay Hotel at 8pm, there is a table quiz to raise money.

¹ 2007 Yearly Report , Central Statistics Office.

² Mental Health Ireland

³ 300,000 people rang the Samaritans in the whole country.