Tanks for the memories


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on March 28th.

During the week, work finally began on removing the old oil tanks located beside Galway Harbour, so that the space can be used for part of the temporary village created for the Volvo Ocean Race stopover in Galway next month.You can see where the boats are here (updated 8 times a day) – the boats are currently heading to Boston from the South Atlantic – after the Boston stopover, they will head east for Galway.

I’m going to try to take a picture a day (assuming that they only remove one tank a day) until they are all gone. I’ll just update this entry rather than create new ones. 


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 15th.


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 16th.


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 19th.


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 20th.


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 21st.



Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 22nd.


Oil tanks on Galway Docks – wide view – picture taken on April 22nd.


Nearly there – only two left (one behind the other). Oil tanks on Galway Docks – picture taken on April 23nd. There are a few more yachts in the harbour too – everyone with a boat is planning to be around Galway for the week of the Ocean Race Stopover.


There was no progress made on the tanks over the weekend. Today, the tops of the last two tanks were removed – by tomorrow evening, they will probably be gone. You can just glimpse the half-removed tank behind the Celtic Explorer.


The Celtic Explorer is still moored in the harbour, so it is hard to get a good view of that side of the harbout now that all the tanks are gone. This picture, taken on April 28th, shows the yard now that all of the tanks have been removed. There is still some clearing to be done, but a huge amount of space is now available. Bigger version of this picture here.


4 thoughts

  1. I’ll be looking in…I find this very sad for some reason. I remember, and still have the picture of the tanks all lit up for some festival/holiday…they looked just magical. I don’t know if you took that particular photo or not John…but I’ll take pains to keep it forever, now.

  2. The tanks were there long before the apartments round the other sides of the docks. It will be interesting to see what the view is like when all the tanks are gone, I look forward to your last picture!

  3. Pingback: All gone « North Atlantic Skyline

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