When my girlfriend was in London a few weeks ago with other members of her family, she visited Camden Market. There was a guy there creating huge bubbles with a special bubble-maker (which was essentially a large extendable plastic loop). Three units were purchased – one got left behind at the airport, one was broken by her nephew within minutes of being opened and I got the third one.
When her two young nephews visted us recently, they were hardly inside the front door when they wanted to go outside and make bubbles. As it turned out, the ten year old was much better at making the bubbles than me (I didn’t admit that at the time, mind) and the six year old proved to have a knack for bursting them.
The boys quickly figured out how to form bubbles that had smaller ones inside it (I still don’t know how they did it).
The bubble maker just about survived the experience and I have grand plans for it [from a photography point of view, anyway]. The pictures [of the younger nephew] were taken in late evening which meant that the available shutter speed wasn’t always sufficient to freeze the scurrying of frenzied bubble-bursting.
If I remember correctly, you can make your own supply of super bubbles by adding some glycerine to already soapy water.
yes, use washing up liquid and water, and add in a tsp. of glycerine. It makes the bubbles last longer. We have something kind fo like this, but it is a plastic tube, with a cloth belt that expands, you can make bubbles around people
to much fun!