The Monika Muller


The Monika Muller in Galway Harbour earlier this week.

One indictor of Irish consumerism is the huge heap of scrap metal, piled high in the Galway Docks for shipping abroad and recycling. It will be interesting to see if the recession impacts the volume of metal waste. It’s a noisy business – the Harbour has a couple of heavy-lifting cranes, and it’s quite a sight to watch the huge ‘claw’ on each of the cranes swoop in – almost like feeding dinasaurs –  grab a pile of twisted metal, and dump it with a huge crash into the hold of a waiting ship.

The Monika Muller is one such ship, and it was in port during the week (I had to abandon my ‘shoot’ due to a heavy hailstone shower – it was freezing.

Camera=Canon 5D, lens=Canon 24-105mm@82, aperture=f14, speed=8 sec, ISO=200, tripod.

One thought

  1. How I love these wonderful harbor shots; you do such a good job of making that important mucky work seem noble, romantic even. Nice to see things from “the inside, out”. The harbor cam is out of focus, or the window is awfully smeared, and of course it seems to be raining buckets 24/7 anymore, so it’s doubly nice to see you haven’t lost interest in such great subjects.

    Notice I’ve moved my group to Multiply…stop by if you get a chance. You’re always welcome.

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