The Onliners

The Irish Blog Awards will take place at the end of March in Galway. On the day itself, the big do is usually preceded by a bunch of other smaller activities. One is a photowalk planned for a few hours during the day – basically , a bunch of photographers roaming about the city taking snaps of anything that moves. As far as I can tell, the route is still to be decided but I’d be amazed if the Long Walk isn’t included. Picture above is of the Long Walk at low tide.

The list of websites nominated for an award is here [caution – those of you easily distracted might want to set aside an afternoon or two to browse through all of the sites].

Well done to Damien and crew for all the work organising the awards.

2 thoughts

  1. Just found your site though the finalists list for Irish Blog Awards 2010. Congratualtions!

    I love how you’ve a complementary background colour for each post here. Beautiful idea.

    The reflection here pulls the image together really nicely. I also like the battered old bike!

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