The Racing Line

Lough Inagh valley
I took a very similar picture to this one nearly 2 years ago on the same spot in the Lough Inagh valley in Connemara. Not much has changed – locals appear to be attempting a personal best when zooming around the narrow bends off the road that winds along the edge of the lake. Despite having the whole place to myself for quite a few hours this morning, I still managed to block my own shot by inadvertently walking in front of one of the cameras that I had set up on a time-lapse recording [click here for video].

3 thoughts

  1. This one was better than the previous since I was better prepared. The shutter speed is longer this time – 30 seconds – and the ISO was higher, so that the stars and the track of the lights were better exposed.

  2. Love the shot very much!
    Try to cushion my yearning for Connemara’s mountains with your photos.

    The video is perfect: Just when you start thinking that this beauty probably might be a little bit too beautiful your interlude adds the perfect dosis of comedy. This allows the viewer in the second half of the video to think a convinced “Wow! It _is_ beautiful!”, before the colors fade out and the traffic increases and the brain says: “Time to start working!”.
    Thank you very much for sharing this!

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