
A thrush on a wall behind the toilets at Silver Strand, Galway.
A couple of weeks ago, while having breakfast, I saw some familiar faces in my back garden. A family of sparrows and two bluetits were perched on the garden shed, all staring at a basket of flowers fixed to the shed wall. None of the birds were interested in the flowers – I had put up the basket in June when I finally took down the bird feeders [I stopped feeding the birds when Lidl stopped stocking birdseed].

It’s another sign of the approaching winter when I have to leave out food every morning for the flock of feathered freeloaders that turn up daily. On Sunday, I put out the feeders for the first time, and the bluetits and sparrows had to take their chances with a flock of starlings as well as a couple of pidgeons. I wonder if the sparrowhawk will make an appearance this year.