

I remember driving along the N6 some years ago on a very frosty morning. Near Cappataggle, on the other side of the road, was a Lexus car balanced on top of a stone wall, almost as if it had been lowered onto it by a giant hand. There didn’t seem to be any damage to the car at all, yet it had to have been travelling at quite a speed to end up there. I couldn’t stop to take a picture – I was in a line of traffic and the road was so slippy, I didn’t want to cause another accident by pulling in [a picture of the car featured in one of the local papers the following week].

I was thinking of that Lexus when I came across the jeep in the picture above, on the Monivea road last week. It looked like the vehicle went through the stone wall and crashed into the field below, but I’m not sure how it ended up perched on a round bale of silage. There didn’t seem to be much damage to the jeep, though there were large stones from the wall scattered across the field. The vehilce looked more or less intact, and any crash that you can walk away from must count as a good one.