Yellow Peril

It was the flash of yellow that I spotted through the trees that caught my eye. So I parked and walked back to the field to take a few snaps. After a couple of minutes, a woman pulled up in a car for a chat – her son owned the field and the horse in it. She mentioned something that i photographed a bit this year – but hadn’t noticed until she mentioned it. Why is it that the ‘carpet of buttercup’ effect only occur in fields with horses in it.

Turns out that horses won’t eat buttercups because they don’t like the taste of them. And evolution being what it is, there’s a reason for that too. Buttercups can sicken a horse, severely. I wonder if horses appreciate the colour, though.

AS I was leaving. I mentioned that I was heading to a nearby bog to take some pictures. Turns out the lady was heading to the bog too. Except she wasn’t bringing a camera.

One thought

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