A walk in Maumtrasna

A clear mountain stream flowing down from the Maumtrasna hills (part of the Partry mountains) in Co. Mayo – picture taken in late January.

The Galway Walking Club is in full swing again for 2010 – at the meeting last Thursday, it was calculated that of the 100 or so members, around 90 had participated in the organised walks over the previous 2 weeks. Actually, there are far more than 100 members, – that number refers only to the ones who have remembered to pay their subscription so far.
It is a very social club too – meetings consist mainly of planning the social events around the hikes, rather than the hikes themselves. So if you live in the Galway area, and fancy some exercise /fresh air/ impromptu mud baths / great views, why not join ? Okay, advert over. Members are expected to lead a walk [assuming they have some semblance of a sense of direction], so I will be leading a hike around Maumtrasna later in the spring. Nothing too strenuous and if the day is clear, superb views all around.

2 thoughts

  1. Hi John, can non club members go on the hikes ?
    It is somthing I would like to do some time.


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