Eclipsed, again

Full moon before eclipse

It’s no fun planning a night shoot in Galway. The full moon shone brilliantly in a clear sky when I looked out the window after 11pm (pic above). By the time I was ready to go out and photograph the start of the eclipse at 2.30am, the clouds were rolling in. I did get a brief glimpse of the eclipsed moon through cloud (below) after I had returned home, defeated. It’s just the latest in a series of failed attempts to photograph an astronomical occurrence – foiled by the Galway Drizzle Gods.

Blood moon during eclipse

Blurred view of eclipsed moon (taken through cloud) just after 6am this morning

As the short timelapse below shows, there were only brief glimpses of the moon as the eclipse progressed. The only silver lining to the bloody clouds was that it meant it wasn’t too cold. I’d have traded the comfort for a better view.

In other parts of the world, photographers braved the cold, clear skies, and got some wonderful pictures.