Salthill Promenade

Evening walkers on Salthill Promenade.(Click here for bigger version here)

I’ve been trying to do some exercise by walking the Promenade at Salthill in the evening. My daily commute means that I usually start at around 7.30pm and finish around 8. I’m in Sweden this week, but when I return, I’ll be doing my daily constitutional as night falls. It is dark when I get up in the mornings  but the real sign of the approaching winter is when I get home in the dark too. It is nearly here.

The Autumn season of the Galway Camera Club has begun and I am due to give a talk & presentation on October 15th. My [short] presentation will be on photoblogging and I plan to give a small slideshow of images too. This year, I’m going to just show images of a single location – namely Salthill Prom. All welcome.